All good words to describe the quick precise din of a furry mammal slamming into the pavement.
What the @#$%@#^&@.
Exactly, what just happened?
While working on a shoot today the unexpected happened.
An Opossum tried to fly, unsuccessfully.
His perch was way up in a live oak tree his landing in the middle of a driveway.
and no, not the low part.
The Opossum laid there motionless.
We were all sure death was instant.
We went back to work trying not to think of the grizzly scene behind us.
A couple minutes later our interview subject declares "its gone"
Now I have heard of cats having nine lives but opossums?
On closer inspection the failed skydiver was spotted hiding in the "Y" of the tree. Embarrassed and demoralized but still alive. Ready to raid your trash cans tonight.