Monday, January 17, 2011

Dali Museum Opening Weekend

There is a new jewel in the crown of St. Petersburg, Florida.


I never had a problem with the old location, but the new museum looks amazing.
The location is perfect, a visitor can stroll right out of the museum onto the
waterfront park showcasing downtown St. Pete.

The Museum's exterior design is fun and connects perfectly with the Mahaffey Theater. Now truth be told, I did not make it inside this weekend. Long line, big turnout, see the video. I was content to take in the new facility from the outside. I have seen the collection several times, and will wait a few weeks for an interior look when the crowds subside.

If I were to make a short list of things one must do in the Tampa/ St. Petersburg area Dali would be near the top. You don't need to be a fan to appreciate this collection. While you're downtown, don't miss the waterfront. St. Petersburg has done it right, saving most of its waterfront for parks for all to enjoy.

These photos and video are from photo safari Sunday .... destination .... Dali.

The time lapses were shot with a GoPro Hero on a Gorillapod using my eggtimer time lapse thing-a-ma-jig.

I think Salvador would like his new digs, don't miss it.


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Monarch Butterfly Pupation Time Lapse

I finally got it.

The final piece of the Florida Monarch Butterfly life cycle.


Monarchs caterpillars don't stay still, they are always on the move.
With one exception, pupation. But it always seemed to happen when I was at work.
I found a victim that started the process on a movable plant, I put him indoors and set up my old Canon G5.

See him sneaking a peek?

Another Monarch inspects the camera and time lapse settings.
As I said, they are always on the move.