Sunday, September 25, 2011

IPhone Panning Time Lapse of Lido Beach

It finally happened.

I managed to liberate my wife’s iphone from her custody long enough
to do a proper panning time lapse.

For months I had been plotting and planning, every time I thought I
might get a chance circumstances changed.

You see, iphone addiction is a serious issue.
My wife is an addict.
She claims I am welcome to use it. Yet every time I do I see the
reaction of a kid that has been told to share but doesn’t want to.

Marital bliss or iphone use?

Zoom forward to our recent staycation.
Beautiful location? Check
Puffy clouds? Check
Now the tricky part …..
iphone availability? Check
Oh yes.
The better half was napping, sun/beach/vacation …. Out  ….. Zonked ……Gone.

So I mounted the prized tool atop one of my Ikea time lapse panning units.
And, don’t laugh …. My homemade iphone mounting rig.
It was made for another use, it's way too complicated, but it worked.
Shot at 1 frame every second over a 120 degree view.
I used TimeLapse iphone app by
Here are the results.

It has been over a year since Phillip Bloom used one of my timers to
create the first panning egg timer time lapse with a smartphone.  Now
everyone has or is getting a smart phone, so for very low cost anyone
can create a panning time lapse unit and spin some cool timelapses.

Now I will have to admit, the GoPro panning timelapses look better
then the iphone lapses.
The wide lens of the GoPro makes the lapses very smooth.
The narrower field of view of most smart phones makes the lapses
stutter, a wider lens or a slower pan would fix this, but the results
are still very cool.

Oh, she’s awake!
Time to give back the phone.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Pan Left Rockies

Take three. Pan Left Rockies is the third in my series of
short films made entirely from GoPro Hero panning time lapses.
I shot 33 gigs of still frames over seven days of touring Colorado.


Rocky Mountain National Park

Sprague Lake

Drive to 14,000 Feet, Edge of  Mt. Evans

Top of Mt. Evans

Clinging to the Garden of the Gods

Squirrel inspects GoPro
